The BOOP Toolkit

Developed at the
Institute for Software Technology

The BOOP Toolkit
This page contains all information that you need for downloading, installing and using the BOOP Toolkit.
About BOOP
Downloading BOOP
Installing BOOP
Using BOOP
Documentation (Thesis)
Reporting problems

The BOOP Toolkit was not implemented from the scratch. We utilized the tools of several other research groups. Please visit the homepages of the following projects, too:
HOL98 Theorem Prover
Moscow ML 2.0
The PROSPER Toolkit
GCC 3.2
Microsoft SLAM project

Download tarballs
Download the tarballs that are necessary to install the BOOP Toolkit!
HOL98 Taupo 6
Moscow ML 2.01
CUDD Library
SPIN model checker
GCC 3.2 sources
BOOP v0.42 Logo

Downloading the BOOP Toolkit
The actual version of the BOOP Toolkit is 0.42. The source tarball can be downloaded from Sourceforge. A binary distribution is not available. You will need several other programs to compile and run the BOOP Toolkit. You can download them from the homepages we listed on the left side (see Downloading tarballs), or you can download a tarball by clicking on its name below.
BOOP Toolkit v0.42 boop-0.42.tar.gz
The master's thesis of Georg Weißenbacher provides a detailed description of the BOOP Toolkit.
Master's Thesis

Other packages necessary to install BOOP
HOL98 Taupo 6 taupo-6.tar.gz
Moscow ML 2.01 sources mos20src.tar.gz
PROSPER Toolkit 1.4 prosper1-4.tar.gz
MOPED moped-031203-src.tar.gz
Fabio Somenzi's CUDD library cudd-2.4.0.tar.gz
SPIN model checker spin425.tar.gz
GCC 3.2 gcc-3.2.tar.gz

If you want to install the BOOP Toolkit v0.42, please follow our detailed installation instructions. A short description of how the BOOP Toolkit is used can be found here.
Created by Georg Weißenbacher